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Set of client-side data that proves the inclusion of a unique inside a transaction. In RGB protocol it is constituted by:
The Bitcoin transaction ID of the .
The Multi Protocol Commitment - .
The Deterministic Bitcoin Commitment - .
The in the case of commitment scheme.
Acronym of Algorithmic logic unit Virtual Machine, it is a register-based virtual machine for smart contract validation and distributed computing, used but not limited to RGB contract validation.
The RGB-equivalent of a transaction output modifying, updating or creating some properties of the state of a . It is formed by:
The commitment is required to possess two fundamental security properties:
Contract operations include:
An actor who participates in contract operations. Contract parties are classified into the following categories:
The set of up-to-date, private, and public information that manifests the condition of a contract at a certain point in history. In RGB, the contract state is constituted by:
A decentralized network of bidirectional payment (state) channels constituted by 2-of-2 mutisig wallet constructing and updating off-chain transactions. It represents a popular Bitcoin Layer 2 scaling solution.
A transaction which lacks some element of its signature and which can be completed/finalized with some additional elements later in time.
So it is possible to verify the total sum without revealing the individual values. This operation, for example, becomes useful to conceal the amounts of tokens transacted.
A public right having no state but which can be referenced and redeemed through a state extension.
The set of operations and rules contained in a contract which allows for the rightful update of the .
The operation which allows the verification of some data exchanged between parties according to some defined protocol rules. In RGB protocol these data are in form of ; the above data can be exchanged privately between the parties involved as, unlike Bitcoin protocol, they don't need to be registered on a public medium (e.g. the blockchain).
A defined mathematical object , deterministically derived from applying a cryptographic operation to some structured input data , called the message. The commitment can be registered in a defined publication medium (e.g. the blockchain) and embeds two operations:
Commit operation, which takes as inputs a public message and a random value , and by applying to them the chosen cryptographic algorithm returns a value .
Verify operation, which takes the value returned by the commit algorithm , the public message and the secret value and returns True/False. .
Binding: requires that there cannot be two valid messages of the same commitment . That is, it is computationally unfeasible to produce different and such that:
Hiding: requires that the message cannot be easily discovered by commitment attempts, i.e., that be uniformly sampled in a set such that it is statistically independent of .
The data transferred between parties that are subject to . In RGB there are 2 types of consignment:
Contract Consignment: provided by the contract issuer including the information about the contract setup, such as the , the , the , and the .
Transfer Consignment: provided by the payer user party and containing all the state transition history up to the .
A set of established and executed digitally between certain parties through RGB protocol. A contract possesses an and , expressed in terms of ownership rights and executive rights. The contract state, rights and conditions of valid operations are defined using RGB . Only state and operations which allowed by the schema declarations and validation scripts are allowed to happen within the contract scope.
An update to the performed according to the rules defined in the contract .
Contract issuer: an actor creating contract .
Contract party: all actors who have some rights over RGB which have been provided through an .
Public party: an actor who is able to construct . Can exist only in contracts providing to be redeemed by State Extension.
RGB contract parties have different rights as a part of the contract conditions defined through RGB . The rights under RGB contracts can be classified into the following categories:
Ownership rights: the rights associated with the of some UTXO referenced by a .
Executive rights: the ability to construct the in a final form, i.e. to construct a valid satisfying validation rules.
Public rights: a right under some Schema to use a contract and construct a valid .
The set of rules which allows for the registration of a provably single in a Bitcoin transaction. Specifically, RGB protocol embeds 2 forms of DBC:
A directed graph that does not contain any directed cycle thus allowing topological ordering. A Blockchain or an RGB Contract are examples of DAG.
An optional data string that past owners of a contract can register in the contract history. It is implemented in the RGB21 .
The part of the that embeds the additional data necessary for the validation of commitment contained in a transaction, such as the internal PubKey and the Script Path Spend.
The set of data, regulated by a contract , which represents the starting state of every contract of RGB. It's the equivalent of Bitcoin Genesis Block at the client-side level.
The set of code instructions that allow for the parsing of the compiled binary data contained in , , and in user and wallet-readable information.
The set of code declarations that bind an to a and make possible the semantic translation operated by the Interface itself.
A URL-encoded string embedding the necessary data in order to allow a payer counterpart to construct a .
The set of public properties included in the of a , defined in and optionally updatable according to the rule defined therein, which are not by any party.
The Merkle Tree structure used in RGB to include in a single Bitcoin Blockchain commitment the multiple of different contracts.
Part of the of a enclosed into an that contains the definition of the digital property being subjected to someone's .
The control and thus the possibility to spend a to which some client-side property isthat .
A particular type of cryptographic characterized by the property with respect to the addition operation. This means that given a certain function, it is possible to verify the commitment given by the sum of two data without revealing the data itself. That is, given , , , and , if and :
A construct present in which references a previously-declared .
A declarative piece of code that contains the set of variables, rules, and according to which an RGB contract works.
The reference part of an which binds the commitment to a belonging to the new .
A branch of the chain of the RGB .
A promise to to a yet unknown message in the future, once and only once, such that commitment fact will be provably known to all members of a certain audience.
The set of client-side data related to one or more that undergo and are stored by the users.
A contract operation that allows for the redeeming of some . It needs to be closed by a in order to put in effect the changes to the contract expressed by the Valencies.
The most important that makes possible the transition of an RGB State to a New State, changing data and/or ownership.
The Bitcoin's Segwit v1 transaction format detailed in and .
A that includes the last state of a contract embedding the constructed from a payee counterparty .
A set of RGB that belong to the same contract and that are committed in the same .
A Bitcoin Unspent Transaction Output. It is defined by a transaction hash and a vout index which, collectively, constitute an .
The transaction that provides the closing operation around a message that contains a an Tree.
Terminology used in RGB sorted in alphabetical order